Types of careers

There are basically 3 kinds of careers: the doers, the makers, and the enablers.

Doers do as they are told. They are usually employees in non-management positions.

The makers make things happen. They are entrepreneurs, executives, and founders.

Enablers enable others in better achieving their goals. Typical enablers are coaches and consultants.

No type is better or more valuable than the other. Every enterprise that exceeds a one-man-show needs doers, makers and enablers. Knowing your place in the world requires you to also determine whether you are a doer, a maker or an enabler.

Change your situation if:

If you are a doer and you work for a maker that is not in line with what you think is right, you will be unhappy and you should find a new maker.

If you are a maker and you work for other makers (or worse: doers) and what they do is not in line with what you think is right, or they curtail your ability to make things happen the way you believe they should be, then you should find new makers to work for. Or better still: become the maker of your own destiny.

If you are an enabler working for makers that are not in line with what you think is right, you will be even more unhappy than makers and even a lot more unhappy than doers, because as an enabler you want to inspire, provide vision and guidance. If that is not possible, appreciated or accepted, you should find new makers. Enablers can also become makers, in a way that they are in the business of enabling others.

Unhappy with your status?

Let’s face it: makers are makers and not doers. It is very hard (if not impossible) to change who you are. Instead of changing the impossible it makes more sense to change ones environment. So you can set your strength to work under new conditions. If you are unhappy with your present situation you can do three things:

  1. Change your situation
  2. Accept it and find fulfillment in family, hobbies or spiritual activities
  3. Fall seriously ill

There is no 4th option.




Thanks to Rafael Nogueira for the picture „fruit jelly“ and to Maurício Cardoso for the inspirational question in the picture „What type are you?“ (Attribution 2.0 Generic)